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Maps the values of the input image evenly in the intensity map such that the pixel values of the adjusted image is spread across the intensity map of the image container. The function adjusts of CUVI maps the intensities of the image between LOW_IN and HIGH_IN to the LOW_OUT and HIGH_OUT. By default all the values of the input images are mapped across the full intensity map.


CuviStatus adjust(CuviImage& src,
	          const CuviScalar& LOW_IN=0.0f,
		  const CuviScalar& HIGH_IN=1.0f,
		  const CuviScalar& LOW_OUT=0.0f,
		  const CuviScalar& HIGH_OUT=1.0f,
                  const CuviStream& stream = CuviStream());


Name Type Description
src CuviImage& Input Image
LOW_IN const CuviScalar& Values above this point are mapped. If it’s 0.5 than all the values in the input image between an intensity value of 50% and HIGH_IN are mapped in output
HIGH_IN const CuviScalar& Values below this point are mapped.
LOW_OUT const CuviScalar& Output image doesn’t use the values below this point from the intensity map
HIGH_OUT const CuviScalar& Output image doesn’t use the values above this point from the intensity map
stream const CuviStream& GPU stream ID for execution

Image Type Support

Input Output
8uC1 8uC1
8uC3 8uC3


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Input Image

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Adjusted Image


//Read an image from the disk
CuviImage image = cuvi::io::loadImage(path);
