
From CUVI Wiki

Raises each pixel of the image to the specified power.


CuviStatus pow(const CuviImage& src,
	       const Cuvi32f power,
               CuviImage& dst,
               const CuviStream& stream = CuviStream());


Name Type Description
src const CuviImage& Input Image
power const Cuvi32f Power by which each pixel would be raised.
dst CuviImage& Output Image
stream const CuviStream& GPU stream ID for execution

Image Type Support

Input Output
8uC1 32fC1
8uC3 32fC3
16uC1 32fC1
16uC3 32fC3
32fC1 32fC1
32fC3 32fC3

Code Example

//Read an image from the disk
CuviImage input = cuvi::io::loadImage(path);
CuviImage output;

const Cuvi32f power = 2.0f;

//Raise the image to the specified power.