CUVI by Example

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Revision as of 19:00, 30 April 2012 by Jawad (talk | contribs)

CUVI library comes with a lot of image processing building blocks that can be used to build countless applications. For example the Computer Vision module of CUVI can be used for motion detection in a live video stream, intrusion detection and tracking an object of interest throughout a video stream or series of cameras. The processing pipeline for motion detection goes as follows:

  • Read a frame from the camera stream
  • Select Strong Features in that Frame using CUVI
  • Read next frame
  • Track features of first frame in the second frame using CUVI

The CUVI functions used in this example are goodFeaturesToTrack() and trackFeatures(). For simplicity we have removed the I/O part on host side from the code

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  1. include <cuvi.h>

static const int width = 640; //Width of video frame static const int height = 480; //Height of video frame static const int requestedFeatures = 150; //Number of features to look for static const float featureQuality = 0.006f; //Quality of a feature static const int featureMinDistance = 3; //Minimum distance between 2 features static const float k = -2.0f; //k for Harris Corner detector static const int pyramidLevels = 3; //Level Of Scaling static const CuviSize trackingWindow = cuviSize(30,30); //Size of tracking window static const float residue = 20.0f; //Absolute Difference Between Original Location Window & Tracked Location Window static const int iterations = 10; //Maximum number of iterations before a feature is found static const bool smoothBeforeSelecting = false; //Smooth Image Before Feature Selection & Tracking static const bool adjustImage = false; //Adjust Image Light Before Feature Selection static const float movementThreshold = 0.33f; //Mark as motion if a feature moves 0.33 Pixels

//Checks if the feature has moved from is original location. //It can be used in intrusion detection and the sensitivity can be set using 'threshold' parameter bool featureHasMoved(CuviPointValue2D point1, CuviPointValue2D point2, float threshold){

       if(point2.val != 0.0f)	return false;

return ((fabsf(point1.x - point2.x)>threshold) || (fabsf(point1.y - point2.y)>threshold)); }

CuviFilter* Gauss = Cuvi_Builtin_Filters::Gaussian(3,0.7f); //3x3 Gaussian Filter with Standard Deviation 0.7

void main() {

      //Read a Video Frame

CuviImage* gFrame = new CuviImage(Width,Height,GetOpenCVPitch(Width,Height,8,3),8,3);

CuviImage* gimg1 = new CuviImage(Width,Height,GetOpenCVPitch(Width,Height,8,1),8,1); CuviImage* gimg2 = new CuviImage(Width,Height,GetOpenCVPitch(Width,Height,8,1),8,1);

CuviROI roi = cuviROI(0,0,Width,Height);

CuviPointValue2D *features1, *features2;

int feature_count = 0;

do {

               //Read Frame

gFrame->upload(frame->imageData); cuvi::colorConvert(gFrame,gimg1);

//Read Next Frame gFrame->upload(frame->imageData); cuvi::colorConvert(gFrame,gimg2);

feature_count = RequestedFeatures; //Reset feature count to original

if(AdjustImage){ cuvi::colorOperations::adjust(gimg1); cuvi::colorOperations::adjust(gimg2); }

if(SmoothBeforeSelecting){ //Apply Gaussian Smoothing Filter On Both The Images cuvi::imageFiltering::imageFilter(gimg1,roi,Gauss); cuvi::imageFiltering::imageFilter(gimg2,roi,Gauss); }

//Call A Feature Detector ( KLT | HARRIS | PETER ) cuvi::computerVision::goodFeaturesToTrack(gimg1,roi,features1,&feature_count,CUVI_FEATURES_HARRIS,FeatureQuality,FeatureMinDistance,3,k);

//Track Features Using KLT Method cuvi::trackFeatures(gimg1,gimg2,features1,features2,feature_count,PyramidLevels,TrackingWindow,Residue,Iterations);

//At this point you can indetify whether the selected features in frame one moved in frame two or not for(int i=0; i<feature_count; i++)

     if(FeatureHasMoved(features1[i],features2[i],MovementThreshold)) //Plot Only If The Feature Has Moved From Its Location

//You can also plot the tracked features on the screen


//Freeing GPU Memory gFrame->release(); gimg1->release(); gimg2->release();
