
From CUVI Wiki
Revision as of 17:38, 26 April 2012 by Jawad (talk | contribs)

Converts image pixel values from one data type to another. It uses dataBits field of CuviImage to decide the number of bits of the destination image while the destination CuviImage decides the container. For example we want to convert an 8-bit input image to 15-bit image than the dataBits field of destination image will be 15 and container/datatype of destination image will be 16.


CuviStatus bitConversion(CuviImage* srcImage,
                         CuviImage* dstImage,
                         CuviStream* stream = NULL);


Name Type Description
srcImage CuviImage* Input Image
dstImage CuviImage* Output Image
stream CuviStream* GPU stream ID for execution

Image Type Support

Input Output
8u 8u
8u 16u
16u 16u
16u 8u


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
16-bit Image in 16-bit container
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
15-bit image in 16-bit container


//Using bit Conversion in C
CuviMat* gimg,*gout;

//Size of input and output should be same
CuviSize size = cuviSize(img->width,img->height);

//Telling that input image has a depth of 7-bit
gimg->dataBits = 7;

//Convert 7-bit image into 15-bit image
gout->dataBits = 15;
