
From CUVI Wiki
Revision as of 14:06, 16 June 2014 by Ghazanfar (talk | contribs)

Adds borders on the input specified by the 4 arguments: top, bottom, left and right..


CuviStatus borderMask(const CuviImage& src,
                      CuviImage& dst,
                      const Cuvi32s top,
                      const Cuvi32s bottom,
                      const Cuvi32s left, 
                      const Cuvi32s right,
                      const Cuvi32f* mask,
                      const CuviStream& stream = CuviStream());


Name Type Description
src const CuviImage& Input Image
dst CuviImage& Output Image
top const Cuvi32s Number of pixels to mask from top
bottom const Cuvi32s Number of pixels to mask from bottom
left const Cuvi32s Number of pixels to mask from left
right const Cuvi32s Number of pixels to mask from right
mask const Cuvi32f* Values of masked pixel for each channel
stream const CuviStream& GPU stream ID for execution

Image Type Support

Input Output
8uC1 8uC1
8uC3 8uC3
16uC1 16uC1
16uC3 16uC3


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Input Image
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Masked Image


CuviImage gimg = cuvi::io::loadImage(path), gout;

Cuvi32f mask[3] = { 0 };

//Mask borders with pixel value of 0 for each channel