
From CUVI Wiki

Computes Dense Optical Flow between each pixel of two images using pyramidal Lucas-Kanade method.


CuviStatus opticalFlowPyrLKDense(CuviImage* previousImage,
                                 CuviImage* nextImage,
                                 Cuvi32f* flowX
                                 Cuvi32f* flowY,
                                 CuviTrackingCriteria criteria,
                                 CuviStream* stream = NULL);


Name Type Description
previousImage CuviImage* The first image whose features are to be tracked
nextImage CuviImage* Second image, in which to look for features of first image
flowX Cuvi32f* Horizontal optical flow
flowY Cuvi32f* Vertical optical flow
criteria CuviFeaturesCriteria A structure containing various parameters that affect optical flow calculation
stream CuviStream* GPU stream ID for execution

Image Type Support

Input Output
2x 8uC1 2x Cuvi32f*


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
First Input Image (8-bit)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Second Input Image (8-bit)
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Optical Flow Magnitude
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
Flow of selected points


//Image size
CuviSize size = cuviSize(width,height);

//Create two 8-bit Grays-scale CuviImage objects
CuviImage* gimg1 = new CuviImage(size,8,1);
CuviImage* gimg2 = new CuviImage(size,8,1);

//Populate the GPU Images

Cuvi32f* flowX = new float[width * height];
Cuvi32f* flowY = new float[width * height];

//tracking criteria
CuviTrackingCriteria tc = cuviTrackingCriteria(2,cuviSize(12,12));

//Compute optical flow between first frame and second frame